Thursday, February 04, 2010

I don't want to ever, ever lose my hands. But lately, science has been progressing toward that weird science-fictiony place where all is possible, so I may never have to worry about it.

The other day, I listened to a podcast about auto-tune. You know, that device that automatically corrects out of tune singers. It got me to thinking about being a kid and dreaming up all the wacky things the future might hold.

And I want to hold those things. I never, ever want to lose my hands. I know I'm starting to sound obsessed, but seriously. I want to keep my hands.

1 comment:

Melly said...

Being that I am now a hairstylist, I never EVER want to lose my hands either! Then again, I have seen a hairstylist that does hair with her FEET. SERIOUS!