Thursday, May 13, 2010

Uggggh. This guy is talent plus genius plus changing my world.

You may have noticed that I read a shit ton of poetry. I cannot get enough. I eat poems three times a day, put them under my pillow, carry them in my pockets....But I've been introduced to this guy and his poems from this book by my friend (who shall remain anon unless he chooses otherwise*).

I just finished reading this poem and now I don't know whether to break all of my pens and pencils and shred every piece of paper in my house or scream, sing, shout or just wander around the streets dazed and sunken. I have to say that this guy may be my new favorite (all time favorite), favorite of ever poet. And that is saying a lot, considering the amount of poetry I consume.

I want to eat his poems.

I have a serious crush on his poems.

I want to carry his poems around with me for all time.

(You might think I'm exaggerating. Go read the poem I linked and then try to close your mouth.)

*He chose otherwise. A huge thanks to this guy for introducing me to Mr. Siken.


Cody Coquet said...

I'm OBSESSED with Mr. Siken! I'm so glad you feel the same way. You are Jeff SLAYS me. Also, I carried several copies of 'Saying Your Names' around in my pocket for a week, and gave them to a few people because I can't help it! I'm going to go to Elliott Bay and buy the book, because I want it in my house like, yesterday.

I'm so glad I could introduce you to his work. (and obviously don't care about anonymity, haha)

Katie McClendon said...

Yeow! I am so glad you gave me Mr. Siken, friend. Let's hang out and read his poems together!

Cowboy Cass said...
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